Now Viewing: commentary_requestTag type: None Sometimes, there is commentary (on pixiv, the artist's blog, or wherever) that might have important contextual information about an image. This tag is a request for the translation of said comments. When fulfilling such a request, do so in a comment on the post. Place the untranslated commentary inside quotation tags like so and the translated version below that.When the translation of the comment is complete, please remove this tag from the image and replace it with commentary. See Also: translation_request commentary Notes: The "キャプション芸" tag is often added to the post on Pixiv when this tag would apply. Please do not tag an image as translated when the commentary request has been filled. That is what the commentary tag is for. Other Wiki Information Last updated: 06/29/11 8:07 PM by internetlovemachine This entry is not locked and you can edit it as you see fit. |