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Ticket Information - ID: #801

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000801Feature RequestHighN/A06/15/15 09:25PM
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:Moderator Poll
Description: After finding conclusive evidence that Sainyang is NOT a trap, I have been trying to get the relevant tags adjusted for almost 2 weeks now, but internetlovemachine insists that the tags cannot be adjusted until enough mods chime in. I have started my own rudimentary tracking by basically using forum posting: Obviously, this is a fairly crude way to do it. For this situation and perhaps future ones, a moderator-only poll should be created. That way, moderators can officially choose to vote one way or the other (preferably with reasonable evidence on either side), but more importantly, have an official time limit for the poll. That way, a change, like this, that already has evidence for it, will not go more than 2 weeks.
Additional Info:2 weeks is just an example value. Poll deadline can be adjusted accordingly, so long as it exists to some reasonable value.