Tracker Tickets Listing
0001392 - Posts api returns empty with tags containing quotation marks
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: burner_identification at 02/28/25 10:33AM | N/A | Gelbooru Beta 0.2.5 ETA: |
0001386 - several of my old favorites have been deleted the reason given is that they weren't Japanese.
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: Trioxiss at 01/05/25 04:14PM | BEEDELLROKEJULIANLOCKHART 02/24/25 03:55AM | ETA: N/A |
0001381 - Adding a selection tool for removing favorites
Feature Request Low - Created by: BeefyLeafy69 at 12/16/24 04:12PM | BEEDELLROKEJULIANLOCKHART 02/24/25 03:54AM | ETA: N/A |
0001390 - Delete account
Feature Request normal - Created by: Quickboy1 at 02/10/25 05:13AM | verhext007 02/22/25 04:14PM | ETA: N/A |
0001389 - Pool import
Feature Request normal - Created by: Abby_Williams at 02/07/25 09:36PM | Jerl 02/07/25 10:00PM | ETA: N/A |
0001387 - Add and Remove Images from Favorites in Gallery
Feature Request Low - Created by: GeeDonnigan at 01/13/25 08:40PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001385 - Delay the Danbooru Bot
Feature Request normal - Created by: Moonman at 01/03/25 06:34AM | N/A | 88 ETA: N/A |
0001384 - Implement use of -pool
Feature Request normal - Created by: Tcmat at 12/28/24 08:55PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001383 - Move the post statistics on top, above all tags
Feature Request normal - Created by: tatsumakibreeder at 12/25/24 01:36AM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001380 - Delete/anonymize account data or let users change username/email
Feature Request normal - Created by: retardyui at 12/10/24 07:28PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0000988 - Don't display comments of images with blocked tags
Feature Request normal - Created by: BaldurAnthology at 10/01/19 08:22PM | Moonman 11/30/24 04:20PM | ETA: N/A |
0001379 - Can't invert id: metatag
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: JadeJuno at 11/27/24 12:07PM | N/A | 0.2.5 ETA: N/A |
0001378 - Alternate way to handle huge blacklist
Feature Request normal - Created by: Trala123 at 11/24/24 05:34PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001376 - Add search tag for image orientation
Feature Request normal - Created by: tatsumakibreeder at 11/17/24 03:26AM | 1_bitkj 11/21/24 12:06PM | ETA: N/A |
0001375 - Characters in comments not rendered correctly, replaced with "?"
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: Abby_Williams at 11/16/24 11:08AM | Jerl 11/17/24 08:57AM | ETA: N/A |
0001303 - Make uploads and tag edits contribute to account level
Feature Request normal - Created by: VampireQueenDespair at 01/09/24 10:24AM | DocWatson 11/10/24 04:26AM | ETA: N/A |
0001374 - Minimum score not working.
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: Diplopia at 11/10/24 03:01AM | N/A | 0.2.5 ETA: N/A |
0001373 - Autoplay for videos and changing default volume setting
Feature Request normal - Created by: akx669 at 11/06/24 10:49PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001372 - Increasing search limit for "fav" tag.
Feature Request normal - Created by: lasham333 at 11/05/24 08:25AM | Jerl 11/05/24 08:43AM | 0.2.5 ETA: N/A |
0001371 - Request to add additional information to user profiles
Feature Request normal - Created by: DocWatson at 11/03/24 09:58PM | DocWatson 11/03/24 11:56PM | ETA: N/A |
0001364 - number of tag usage in homepage is near-invisible white. type a tag, see usage number in dropdown
Bug Reporting High - Created by: gamer_31 at 10/02/24 12:55PM | gamer_31 10/27/24 01:19PM | ETA: N/A |
0001370 - Secondary burger menu on profile blocked by other elements in default page state
Browser Problems Low - Created by: quernlook at 10/25/24 02:17PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001369 - account reputation
Feature Request normal - Created by: TWVSD at 10/24/24 09:00PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001368 - Not being able to edit.
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: TheSittingTraveller at 10/24/24 01:00PM | Jerl 10/24/24 04:29PM | ETA: N/A |
0001367 - displaying images
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: deemphrose at 10/23/24 03:40AM | Jerl 10/23/24 10:39AM | ETA: N/A |
0001352 - Add disclaimer to account creation page regarding account permanence
Feature Request normal - Created by: Moonman at 08/31/24 12:46PM | gamer_31 10/14/24 08:44AM | ETA: N/A |
0001366 - make every link in profile statistics work
Bug Reporting High - Created by: gamer_31 at 10/14/24 08:42AM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001365 - Can anyone help me? i cant post photos
Bug Reporting Low - Created by: C4thyr at 10/09/24 03:06PM | C4thyr 10/09/24 03:53PM | ETA: N/A |
0001363 - account button at top bar everywhere
Feature Request High - Created by: gamer_31 at 10/01/24 10:47AM | gamer_31 10/02/24 05:20AM | ETA: N/A |
0001361 - NAND does not function.
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: Abtuse at 09/28/24 05:22AM | Abtuse 09/29/24 04:26AM | Beta 0.2.5 ETA: N/A |
0001357 - the images doesn't work but the videos does
Bug Reporting High - Created by: _Eldran_ at 09/14/24 12:30PM | darkfloon77 09/28/24 06:55PM | ETA: N/A |
0001360 - XOR Filtering
Feature Request normal - Created by: Abtuse at 09/27/24 10:29AM | Jerl 09/27/24 05:57PM | ETA: N/A |
0001359 - Shorter shareable URL format for posts
Feature Request normal - Created by: wheatley at 09/22/24 01:46AM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001358 - alt arrow keys should not be overridden
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: Laughingman at 09/15/24 03:56PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001356 - Meta tags appear as general tags in tag history
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: bob1159 at 09/08/24 10:17PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001353 - Ability to sort by number of tags (e.g. 'copytags:0', 'chartags:2')
Feature Request normal - Created by: NexlithDataraine at 09/02/24 01:00PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001351 - Aspect ratio search
Feature Request normal - Created by: beautifultangerine at 08/31/24 12:09PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001350 - rely on local copy of jquery instead of google/cloudflare
Feature Request normal - Created by: knyfe at 08/25/24 03:51AM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001349 - Able to download videos
Feature Request High - Created by: NepStar at 08/14/24 06:16PM | Jerl 08/15/24 01:00PM | ETA: N/A |
0001348 - Make it so that deprecated tags cannot be added to new posts
Feature Request normal - Created by: bob1159 at 08/02/24 02:28PM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001347 - Fix fav button and fav page
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: Egozi4444 at 07/27/24 03:00PM | Egozi4444 07/27/24 04:10PM | ETA: N/A |
0001345 - Implement tag sorting in the edit box
Feature Request normal - Created by: bob1159 at 07/16/24 11:27AM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001340 - Don't delete Trac ticket on submission error
Bug Reporting normal - Created by: mrspuff at 06/20/24 08:13AM | mrspuff 06/29/24 03:44PM | ETA: N/A |
0001343 - BUG REPORT: not all tags show in search result page
Bug Reporting High - Created by: gamer_31 at 06/29/24 09:10AM | Jerl 06/29/24 02:42PM | ETA: N/A |
0001336 - Tag not appearing in the tags list below the post
Bug Reporting Low - Created by: roupe at 06/10/24 01:03AM | jedi1357 06/28/24 02:15PM | ETA: N/A |
0001341 - Unexpected bad_tag behavior
Feature Request normal - Created by: mrspuff at 06/20/24 08:23AM | Jerl 06/27/24 05:21PM | ETA: N/A |
0001342 - Blacklisted tags don't display when using {xxx ~ yyy}
Bug Reporting Low - Created by: my_password at 06/20/24 09:31AM | N/A | 0.2.5 ETA: N/A |
0001338 - Block posts from results when searching to import into pool if already in pool
Feature Request normal - Created by: Tcmat at 06/11/24 12:26AM | N/A | ETA: N/A |
0001337 - Remove all favorite (in one go)
Feature Request High - Created by: ThatOnePervert at 06/10/24 01:47PM | N/A | 1 ETA: N/A |
0001335 - Be able to search in favorites
Feature Request normal - Created by: damiantheantichrist at 06/07/24 11:20PM | ThatOnePervert 06/10/24 01:36PM | ETA: N/A |