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serenemisery commented at 2024-11-02 22:12:21 » #2932858
Why not? A few more keystrokes.
1 Points Flag
Why not? A few more keystrokes.
1 Points Flag
Marleyansimp commented at 2024-10-03 01:10:47 » #2923483
Why are you responding to a 4 year old anonymous comment for?
2 Points Flag
Why are you responding to a 4 year old anonymous comment for?
2 Points Flag
serenemisery commented at 2024-10-03 00:57:56 » #2923482
Anon that's super realistic. How do you think everyone ends up divorced?
2 Points Flag
Anon that's super realistic. How do you think everyone ends up divorced?
2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-23 03:17:33 » #2504812
I know it's probably Toriyama's fault, but what the hell happened to Chichi's character between Dragonball and Dragonball Z? Like in the first she's actually interesting and stuff, but in Z she's basically your common anime nagging housewife
2 Points Flag
I know it's probably Toriyama's fault, but what the hell happened to Chichi's character between Dragonball and Dragonball Z? Like in the first she's actually interesting and stuff, but in Z she's basically your common anime nagging housewife
2 Points Flag
TheGuyThatDoesStuff commented at 2024-11-02 22:06:07 » #2932857
Him cards fell please help him up
0 Points Flag
Him cards fell please help him up
0 Points Flag
SongByFire commented at 2024-11-02 21:22:45 » #2932849
This happens to me too, but while browsing on my phone, not on my pc
0 Points Flag
This happens to me too, but while browsing on my phone, not on my pc
0 Points Flag
Mr-Sandwich commented at 2024-11-02 20:48:49 » #2932840
I'm not (keystrokes, keystrokes)
0 Points Flag
I'm not (keystrokes, keystrokes)
0 Points Flag
Qwerty1yui commented at 2024-11-02 20:47:46 » #2932839
amrando there is no manga, it's a light novel. Also it's pretty alright just a bit slow to get to the action.
0 Points Flag
amrando there is no manga, it's a light novel. Also it's pretty alright just a bit slow to get to the action.
0 Points Flag